

21岁的贾里德·鲁宾(Jared Rubin)是纽约艾尔蒙特(Airmont)的大二学生,他一直对数学充满热情. 他很感激大学提供给他的所有机会——从促进STEM发展的学术和职业支持,到让他与文化和社区保持联系的校园活动.


I chose the 立博体育官网 because this magnificent institution excels in four major aspects: an excellent Mathematics Department with people who care for my academic and professional development; piano lessons at the Hartt School Community Division so I keep up with my love for music; a copious amount of support on campus for tutoring in nearly all subjects; and two rich, 校园里各种各样的犹太组织, 希勒尔和查巴德, 帮助我继续培养对犹太教的热爱. Also, 我喜欢这个隐藏在新英格兰的紧密联系的社区, 离我在纽约的家不远.


我的导师, 柳慧彦教授, 数学系的助理教授, helps immensely with providing opportunities for me to grow academically and professionally; I attended Statfest 2018 in Amherst, Mass., 促进统计学家之间建立联系和领导能力的活动, 数据科学家, 还有那些没有被充分代表的数学家. Also, 除了课堂上的内容, Ryu教授, 和其他部门的人一起, holds variable-credit independent studies that supplement coursework; this year, 她正在举办一场立博体育官网流行病学数学模型的讲座, 研究疾病如何传播和传播的学科.


Math Club helps widen my scope of pure mathematics; Green 707 helps to widen my applied mathematical scope; 希勒尔和查巴德 help to become connected with my ancestry and culture of Judaism, along with providing a social outlet and connecting me with like-minded peers in the Hartford area; Philosophy Club helps to keep me engaged with philosophical talks and topics; and meetings with Career Services help me to refine my resume and tailor cover letters in preparation for internships to come.


谢谢你对我的信任, 谢谢你帮助巩固了我作为学生的成长, 未来的专业人士, 一个创新者. 这个奖学金让我知道,我正走在通往成功的正确道路上. Mathematics has always been a passion in my life; I hope to be able to someday show others that mathematics has a purpose outside of the classroom setting so that they will go on to innovate future industries and grow up to be future leaders.
